Economics notes pdf
General Principles–1. Economics as a science and its relevance to law, 2. Economics as a base of Social Welfare and social justice, 3. Free enterprise, planned economy and mixed economy
General Principle of Economics-1.Demand and Supply, 2. Savings, Consumption, Investment,3. Theories of Economics growth and problems of Development, 4. Banking and Fiscal Policy-(i)Changing profile of Indian Banking,(ii)RBI and its changing policy.
Indian Economics-1.Introduction to Indian Economics, 2. Trends in population growth,3.Estimates of national income in India, 4. Post-independence economic policies in India.
The logic of India’s Development Strategy-1.Planning process 2.priorities between Agriculture and Industry, 3. Choice of Technology.
The role of Public, Private and Joint Sector, 2.Large, Medium and Small industries,3.Role of Capital formation, credit, and banking system.