Sociology Notes
Sociology-1 has been written according to the syllabus of B.A.LL.B. first Year, first Semester.
Sociology Notes in English pdf
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Sociology Notes pdf
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Sociology notes
1. Society
Q.1. Describe the meaning and characteristics of society.
Q.2. Explain-“Society. involves both likeness and difference.”
Q.3. Write the Influence of west on Indian society.
Q.4. What is the meaning of society write the difference between human society and animal society?
2. Community
Q.2. Examine the nature of community sentiment and show its significance in the modern world.
3. Social Groups
Q.1. Give the definition and classification of social groups.
Q. 2 Classify Groups and mention the chief characteristics of group life.
Q.3. Write a short note, on-Primary Group.
4. Institutions
Q.1. Explain the definition, characteristics and importance of institutions.
5. Marriage
Q.1 Define marriage and trade stages of its evolution.
Q.2. Write short not on (i) Hypergamy (ii) Polygamy (iii) Polyandry.
Q.3. Write short note on Endogamy.
Q.4. Write the impact of Westernization on the institution of marriages.
Q. 1. Critically discuss the main theories of the origin of the family.
Q.2. What are the forms of a family? Distinguish between the Matriarchal and Patriarchal families.
Q.3. What is a family? Describe its essential
Q. 4. What is the function of the ‘Family’ in society Describe its major-forms?
Q.5. Explain how the family is the primary and fundamental unit of society.
Q.6. Wlat agencies are performing the function of the family in modern times?
Q.7. Write a note on the disorganization of the modern family.
Q.8. Discuss the changing role of the family.
Q.10. Define joint family and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
7. Kinship
Q. 1. Discuss the meaning and kinds of kinship.
Q. 2. Explain the meaning of. avoidance. and joking relationship.
8. Economic institutions
9. Political Institutions
Q. 1. Give a brief account of the Political Institutions
Q: 2. Discuss the organic theory of the State.
10. Religion Institutions
Q.2. Write a short note on Primitive Religion.
11. Educational Institutions
Q.1.What do you mean about Education? What are its
various aims and forms?
Q.4.what are the functions of education Institutions? What is its aim in human life?
12. Social System
13. Law
Q.1. What do you mean by law? What is its nature? What are the various types and sources of law?
14. Structure and Social Function
Q.1. Explain the meaning of Social Structure.
Q.2. Define social structure. Discuss its general characteristics as analyzed by Radcliffe-Brown.
Q.3. Discuss the importance of the concept of social structure in sociological studies.
Q.4. Trace the evolution of the concept of social structure.
Q.5. Has religion any social functions? Discuss.
15. Caste
Q.1. “Caste is a closed clan.” Discuss.
Q.2. What do you mean by Dominant Caste? Explain it.