BALLB 1st year legal system and society sample practice question answer papers

BALLB 1st year legal system sample practice question answer papers What do you mean by law? What is nature? What are various types and sources of law?(BALLB) Meaning and Concept of Law- Law is in fact a social inevitability. It is found in various societies. Even primitive and undeveloped societies have a law. It is…

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What are scheduled tribes: the official policy towards them and their difficulties.

What are scheduled tribes: the official policy towards them and their difficulties.

What are scheduled tribes: the official policy towards them and their difficulties. what you will learn in this post:- What are scheduled tribes? What is the official policy towards them? Discuss their difficulties. for more, you can follow @blogger_priya What are scheduled tribes? What is the official policy towards them? Discuss their difficulties.(BA LLB) What…

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Varna and Caste -characteristic features and critically examine the references in Hindu shastras

Varna and Caste -characteristic features and critically examine the references in Hindu shastras

Varna and Caste -characteristic features and critically examine the references in Hindu shastras what you will learn in this post:- Varna and Caste are two different concepts that are erroneously considered synonymous. for more, you can follow @blogger_priya Describe their characteristic features and critically examine the references in Hindu shastras in this connection.(BA  LLB NOTES)…

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What is the Varna system? Discuss its sociological significance.

What is the Varna system? Discuss its sociological significance.

What is the Varna system? Discuss its sociological significance. What you will learn in this post:- What is the Varna system Discuss its sociological significance Division of functions according to traits      For more, you can follow @blogger_-priya What is the Varna system? Discuss its sociological significance.              …

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BA LLB notes-Define 'social stratification'

BA LLB notes-Define ‘social stratification’

Define ‘social stratification’ What you’ll learn in the post:- Nature of Social Stratification Brief Historical Review Inequality and Stratification   for more, you can follow @blogger__priya Define ‘social stratification’ and critically examine the view that Marx has “oversimplified the structure of stratification by reducing it to one factor, control of the means of production.” Nature…

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 Ideology of Foreign Policy in International Relation

Ideology of Foreign Policy in International Relation

 Ideology of Foreign Policy in International Relation In the below post you will read ba llb 2nd semester notes pdf for more please follow @blogger_priya IDEOLOGY OF FOREIGN POLICY Q. 1. Explain the Principals of India’s foreign policy. Ans. 1. Non-Alignment: The policy of non-alignment is the most important contribution of India to the international community….

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international relations pdf

Ba Llb 2nd Semester Notes Pdf 2

Ba Llb 2nd Semester Notes Pdf hello Students, In this post, you will read International Relation has been written according to the syllabus of BA LLB 1st year, 2nd semester.   Q. What is International Politics? Explain the difference between International relations and Politics. Discuss the scope or International politics.(BA LLB)Ans. The term ‘politics’ connotes the people have…

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