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BA LLB 1st year English notes 2nd semester
In this post, you will read BA LLB 1st year 2nd-semester English-II paper VI (code: BL-201) English Language and Legal writing-I
Explain the meaning of the following Legal Words and terms: (BA LLB)
Note: There is only one way to solve questions on Legal terms by knowing as many of them as possible. The distinct quality of legal meanings Is that they are precise. This precision is essential. A legal principle may Or may not apply to a given factual situation on the sole criterion of the words in which t is stated. In law, the word fraudulent has an entirely different meaning from the word dishonest’. Also causing death ‘knowingly’ is not the same thing as causing death intentionally’. For causing death knowingly, the maximum punishment is imprisonment of ten years. For causing death intentionally, the punishment is life imprisonment or a sentence of death. The undermentioned words are those which commonly ocCur in layman’s language but are used without precision and sometimes without understanding. Thus if your refrigerator has a ‘warranty of seven years, it is not the same thing as a ‘guarantee’ for seven years. So let us find out the difference between ‘guarantee’ and ‘warranty, between bail’ and parole, between accessory’ and ‘accomplice and between many many other words.
Given below are some Legal Words and Terms and their meanings
Abet: To encourage, incite, or assist another, especially to commit a crime, usually found in the phrase ‘aid and abet’.
Abstain: They choose not to take, have, do or undertake it, to formally record one’s intention not to vote in an election.
Abstention: To deliberate refraining from doing, or not doing, some act, as distinct from an inadvertent omission or failure to do it.
Accomplice: One associated with another or others in the commission of a crime. The evidence of an accomplice is admissible against the other participant, but the jury must be warned to tréat
his evidence with a reserve and that it is dangerous to convict without corroboration.
Act of God: An event happening independently of human volition which human foresight and care could not reasonably anticipate or at least could not prevent or avoid, such as an earthquake or quite an Extraordinary storm. In torts, the Act of God is a defence in cases of liability for intention or negligence and of strict liability.
Actionable: That for which an action will lie, furnishing legal ground for action or giving reasonable grounds for legal action
Accused: Thc generic name for the defendant in a criminal case; a person charged with an offence
Adjournment: The putting off of a hearing or meeting which is unfinished to another day which may be fixed or Sine die, i.c., deferred indefinitely, suspending business for a time delay.
Adjudication: The formal giving or pronouncing a judgment or decree in a cause; also the judgment was given.
Admission: confession concession or voluntary acknowledgement made by a party of the existence of certain facts. More accurately regarded they are statements by a party or someone identified with him in legal interest, of the existence ol a fact which is relevant to the cause of his adversary.
Affidavit: A written or printed declaration or statement of fact made voluntarily and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before a person having authority to administer such oath or affirmation.
Amendment:To change or modify for the better. To alter by
modification deletion or addition.
Appeal: An application to a person, body, court, or tribunal superior to one which has decided an issue, or reconsiders that decision and, if thought fit to alter it. The major functions of appeal are to satisfy litigants that a case has been reconsidered and secure rulings of general future applications.
Acquittal: The selling free or deliverance of a person from a criminal charge, on a verdict of not guilty. or under a successful plea of pardon, of autrefois convict or autrefois acquit.
Article: A separate and distinct part of an instrument or writing one of several things presented as connected or forming a whole A particular object or substance, a material thing or a class of things; Material tangible object
Assert Compliance; approval of something done; a declaration of willingness to do something in compliance with a request, acquiescence; agreement. To approve. ratify and confirm.
Attestation: The act of witnessing an instrument in writing at the request of the party making the same and subscribing it as a witness The act of witnessing the execution of a paper and subscribing the name of the witness of the testimony of such fact
lt is the practice of having deeds signed in the presence of witnesses who also sign, as evidence of the authority of execution of the deed their addresses and designation being stated in an attestation clause at the end of the writing. The number of witnesses are commonly two. but in certain cases, one witness suffices.
Attornment: It has two analogous senses. the first relating to personal property and the second relating to land. It may mean either (1) “an act by a bailee in possession of goods on behalf of one person acknowledging that he will hold the goods on behalf of someone else”: or (ii) *a person s agreement to hold land zs the tenant of someone else.”
Attorn: To turn over;: to transfer to another money or goods: to assign to particular use or service. To consent to the transfer of a rent or reversion. To agree to become a tenant to one as owner or landlord of an estate previously held by another, or to agree te recognize a new owner of a property or estate and promise payment of rent to him.

Bail: It is a many-dimensional word with chameleon-hued charges. As a noun, it means:
(1) a person who acts as a surety for a debt;
(2) the security or guarantee agreed upon; or
(3) release.on bail of a person in custody. As a verb it means
(1) to set free for security one’s own recognizance for an appearance on another day;
(2) to become a surety for; or
(3) to guarantee. Modern idiom requires release on bail, although formerly bail
was not uncommon.
Bailment: A delivery of goods or personal property, by one person to another in trust for the execution of a special object in relation to such goods, beneficial either to the bailor or bailee or both, and upon a contract, express or implied, to perform the trust and carry out such object, and thereupon either redeliver the goods to the bailor or otherwise dispose of the same in conformity with the purpose of the trust.
Bench: A seat of judgment or tribunal for the administration of justice; the seat occupied by judges in courts. A long seat, freestanding, or placed against a wall. Doubtless from the fact that judges originally sat on the bench. The bench’ became the term for the judges collectively, or the judges of a particular court, such as the King’s Bench or the Common Bench. It is also known as the court itself or the aggregate of the judges composing a court. as in the phrase, “before the full bench.”
Bill: A draft or proposed piece of legislation put before Parliament for its consideration, and, if thought fit, for enactment with or without alterations.
Bill of Rights: A formal or emphatic legislative assertion declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a change of government e.g., Bill of Rights in England. It is a general statement declaratory of the human or civil right which the proposers assert individuals should enjoy against State and Government
Blockade: A gain has taken against an enemy nation so as to isolate obstruct and prevent communications, commerce, supplies, and persons from entering into or leaving such a nation. The such blockade may be by sea, land, or both.
It indicates the right of a belligerent who holds his enemy besieged to forbid access by sea to and egress from the enemy territory by the enemy and by neutrals. It must be applied impartially to vessels of all nations.
By-laws: Regulations, ordinances, rulers, or laws adopted by an association or corporation or the like for its government. It is a form of subordinate legislation made by a corporation or other authority less than Parliament on a matter entrusted to that authority, having the force of law but applicable only to the particular area or scope of the responsibility of the authority.
In the above post, you learnt different legal words and terms with their meanings from BA LLB English notes 2nd semester Language & legal writing-I. comment us your feedback below.