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Ba llb 3rd semester notes pdf

Ba llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration

Ba llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration  Ba llb 3rd semester notes pdf Public Administration Bureaucracy Ba llb 3rd semester notes pdf BUREAUCRACY: MEANING AND CHANGING CONCEPT OF BUREAUCRACY Q.1 Define the term “Bureaucracy and discuss the changing concept of Bureaucracy and changing concept of Bureaucracy.” Ans. Hans Rosenberg has rightly…

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Economic problems in India-Do you agree with the view that the post-liberalization growth of the Indian economy has been growth sans human development? Elucidate.

Economic problems in India-Do you agree with the view that the post-liberalization growth of the Indian economy has been growth sans human development? Elucidate.

Economic problems in India-Do you agree with the view that the post-liberalization growth of the Indian economy has been growth sans human development? Elucidate. you can follow us @freegooglenotes   Do you agree with the view that the post-liberalization growth of the Indian economy has been growth sans human development? Elucidate. (Economic problems)In the post-liberalization…

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Economic problems in India-Examine the impact of New Economic Policy on Agriculture.

Economic problems in India-Examine the impact of New Economic Policy on Agriculture.

Economic problems in India-Examine the impact of New Economic Policy on Agriculture. You can also follow @freegooglenotes   Examine the impact of New Economic Policy on Agriculture. (Economic problems)For a liberalized economy to take off it is necessary that Fundamental reforms are introduced that make the agricultural sector more productive and equitable. As a part…

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Legal System in India-Discuss the change and problems of modern family and analyze its effort on social disorganization| What is its future?

Legal System in India-Discuss the change and problems of modern family and analyze its effort on social disorganization| What is its future?

Legal System in India-Discuss the change and problems of modern family and analyze its effort on social disorganization| What is its future? You can follow us @freegooglenotes Discuss the change and problems of modern family and analyze its effort on social disorganization. What is its future? Ans.                  …

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communication skills-concept can change your of communication skill for any profession

Communication Skills-Concept can change your of communication skill for any profession

Communication skills-What is the difference between note making and making reports of a meeting You can follow us @freegooglenotes Q. 1. What is the difference between note-making and making reports of a meeting? Compare the both. Ans. (communication skills)The notes verified and signed by the chairman of a meeting act as prima facie evidence of…

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Legal system in India-What is Untouchability? Discuss its disability and causes

Legal system in India-What is Untouchability? Discuss its disability and causes

Legal system in India-What is Untouchability? Discuss its disability and causes You can follow us @freegooglenotes Q. 4. What is Untouchability? Discuss its disability and causes. Ans. (Legal system in India)Prior to the 1931 Census, the scheduled castes were classed as ‘depressed’. There was a lot of criticism against the use of this word and…

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Legal System in India-Discuss the role of social legislation in the solution of social problems.

Legal System in India-Discuss the role of social legislation in the solution of social problems.

Legal System in India-Discuss the role of social legislation in the solution of social problems. for more you can follow us @freegooglenotes Define the social problems. Discuss the role of social legislation in the solution of social problems.(Legal system in India) Ans. Social problems are the direct outcome of social disorganization. When human affairs deviate…

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communication skills-Bibliography explaination ,it types and how can be prepared

communication skills-Bibliography explaination ,it types and how can be prepared

Communication skills-Bibliography explanation,its types, and how can be prepared you can follow us @freegooglenotes Q. 5. What is a Bibliography? What are its types? Explain how Bibliography can be prepared on a given topic. Ans. The bibliography is the systematic study and description of books, The field acquired special importance in the 20th century because…

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