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upsc sociology syllabus pdf

upsc sociology syllabus pdf

upsc sociology syllabus pdf In this post you will know UPSC Syllabus 2021 PDF You can follow us on instagram @freegooglenotes UPSC Syllabus 2022 PDF ba llb notes for 1st sem sociology Sociology notes 1. Society Q.1. Describe the meaning and characteristics of society. Q.2. Explain-“Society. involves both likeness and difference.” Q.3. Write the Influence…

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Sociology ba 1st year

Sociology ba 1st year In this post you will know b.a. 1st year sociology syllabus 2021 You can follow us on instagram @freegooglenotes Sociology B.A. 1st Year Syllabus     Sociology notes 1. Society Q.1. Describe the meaning and characteristics of society. Q.2. Explain-“Society. involves both likeness and difference.” Q.3. Write the Influence of west…

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IGNOU Courses You Must Know UG, PG Students|Check details of each course

IGNOU Courses You Must Know UG, PG Students|Check details of each course

IGNOU Courses You Must Know UG, PG Students|Check details of online course   The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU),  has continuously striven to build an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive education. To increase the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) by offering high-quality education through the Open and Distance Learning mode. Nowadays it offers two academic…

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Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration

Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration

Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration BUREAUCRACY AND DEMOCRACY Q. 1. What is the relation between Bureaucracy and democracy? Write it. Ans. It has already been stated that in most Western countries bureaucracy and democracy developed almost simultaneously. It will also be shown in the subsequent paragraphs that the role…

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Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration Bureaucracy

Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration Bureaucracy

Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration Bureaucracy Q. 3. What is the controversy between Generalists and specialists? Discuss it. Ans. For a long time, a controversy has been raging among scholars and administrators alike regarding the position and role of the general administrators and functional specialists in the public service….

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BA LLB 3rd semester public administration notes

BA LLB 3rd semester public administration notes

BA LLB 3rd semester public administration notes Q. 3. “Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy is very systematized” explains it. Ans. The systematic study of bureaucracy began with the German sociologist, Max Weber. In terms of influence, it has exerted and the argument it has stimulated Weber’s writing on bureaucracy is more important than the sum…

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CCS University notes: BA LLB 3rd semester public administration Pluralist theory of Bureaucracy

CCS University notes: BA LLB 3rd semester public administration Pluralist theory of Bureaucracy

Q. 4. Write a short not on Pluralist theory of Bureaucracy? Ans. The pluralist school of thought has made considerable contributions in recent times or our understanding of the politics of democracy and bureaucracy. Pluralism views the state and bureaucracy as disjointed in structure and blundering in performance. It has been popular in the United…

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Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration Bureaucracy THEORIES OF BUREAUCRACY

Ba Llb 3rd semester notes pdf Political Science III Public Administration Bureaucracy THEORIES OF BUREAUCRACY

THEORIES OF BUREAUCRACY Q. 1. Discuss Max Weber’s views and the rise of Bureaucracy. Ans. Bureaucracy developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, first in the countries of Western Europe and then in other countries of the world. It attained new heights in the twentieth century despite the triumphs in several states of Marxist ideology…

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CCS University ba llb question papers public administration notes

CCS University ba llb question papers public administration notes Q. 2. Write about the dysfunctions of Democracy. Ans. Bureaucracy is a normative model. It is not the product of nature. It is a man-made, invented, conceptual model of organization. It provides several functions like specialization, structure, predictability, rationality, and partial democracy. Bureaucracy is desirable if…

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