8 major objectives of Communication pdf from BA LLB notes

8 major objectives of Communication pdf from BA LLB notes
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8 major objectives of Communication pdf from BA LLB notes

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objectives of Communication

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Q. 2. Explain the major objectives of Communication.


What do you think can be the major objectives of communication?

Briefly explain any three of them.

Ans. The chief aim of all communication is the general welfare of the organization. Effective communication is required in order to ensure this welfare. In an organization at the planning stage, information is needed on marketing conditions, availability of finance, advertising campaign, human resource required, etc. At the execution stage, orders are issued to the staff to start work, the workers associated with the project are motivated and kept involved; a sense of proper discipline is cultivated among them and their morale is kept high.

8 major objectives of Communication pdf from BA LLB notes
8 major objectives of Communication pdf from BA LLB notes

Objectives of Communication

The objectives of communication are described as follows:

1. Information – An important objective of communication is passing or receiving information about a particular fact. Communication can be carried on either through spoken or written language. It can also be carried on by signals or signs. Information may be internal or external. The sources of information are as follows:

(a) Old Files: The information may be available in the old files of the firm, company, or organization. Past performance of the organization can be easily known from the old files.

(b) Mass Media of Communication: Mass media of communication like radio, television, print media, cinema, etc. are all the time throwing out information. These types of media constitute a very important source of information.

(c) Personal Interviews: Information can be collected through personal interviews with well-known authorities in the economic, social, political, cultural fields and the members of the general public.

(d) Library Research: A good library is the best source of information. It is a place from where we can gain access to reference books, research publications, statistical reports, government publications, etc. in the present competitive environment, there are libraries of tapes, films, records, etc.

2. Order- Order is an authoritative communication. It is a directive to somebody always a subordinate, to do something or not to do Something. The orders may be written or oral.

The written orders are given when

(a) the order is of a highly responsible nature,

(b) the task is repetitive in nature, and

(c) the person being ordered is remotely Situated and it is difficult to give him oral orders.

The oral orders are usually given when

(a) the job is required to be done immediately,

(b) there is no need of maintaining any written record. It is to be noted that the order must be clear and complete so that the person who receives the order knows exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.

3. Advice- Giving advice is another objective of communication. Information may be factual and objective. But the advice in which personal opinions are involved can be subjective. The characteristics of effective advice are as follows:

(a) Effective advice is both man-oriented and work-oriented.

(b) Effective advice does not make the worker feel inferior.

(c) Effective advice promotes understanding.

(d) Effective advice can become a two-way channel of communication.

(e) Effective advice is given in the worker’s interest.

4. Persuasion- According to E. A. Russel and F. H. Beach, “Persuasion may be defined as an effort to influence the attitudes, feelings or beliefs of others, or to influence actions based on those attitudes, feelings or beliefs.” It (persuasion) is an important objective of communication. In the organization, the lazy and the incompetent persons have to be persuaded to do their work. Persuasion is an art that has to be learned with great attention.

5. Morale- Morale is a term that has been defined in a number of ways. In relation to the job, morale may be defined as the extent to which an individual perceives satisfaction of his needs as they stem from his total job situation. Morale should be viewed as a dynamic phenomenon relevant to all levels and categories of employees and, should be understood as the sum of psychic qualities reflecting courage, zeal and confidence in the performance of duty. The following factors are generally found associated with morale:

(a) Social Factors: People derive satisfaction from their social relationships with fellow employees. Informal groups gain more support particularly in the context of jobs that offer little or no intrinsic satisfaction.

(b) Supervisory Techniques: Choice of techniques and adequacy of supervision at a given level has a direct bearing on the morale of subordinates. The business manager with qualities like friendship, participation, and respect in his style of supervision is likely to boost the morale of his subordinates.

(c) Job Satisfaction: The job itself is a source of satisfaction and any improvement in this direction is likely to favorably affect people’s morale.

(d) Organization and Purpose: An individual who upholds the integrity of the organization and perceives its purpose to the accomplishment of which his efforts are directed as worthwhile is likely to possess high morale. Company policies, procedures, and communication-all are important factors having a bearing on the morale of its employees.

6. Suggestion- Suggestion is supposed to be a very subtle and mild form of communication. In the new ear, large business houses make a provision for suggestion boxes, which are placed at some convenient
place in the office. People and workers are encouraged to drop their suggestions into these boxes. These suggestion boxes are opened at regular intervals. Suggestions can be voluntary and anonymous, submitted through suggestion boxes.

7. Education- Education is a conscious process of communication. it involves both teaching and learning. The primary aim of education is to widen knowledge as well as to improve skills. Education is carried on, the following levels :

(a) At the Management Level: In keeping with the new trends managers have to be educated. Their (managers) education can take place through books, lectures, seminars, study tours, etc.

(b) At the Level of Employees: When new trends and innovations are introduced in the organization or in the office, the employees have to be educated to use them. Such a program is called reorientation. Employees can be educated through, talks, demonstrations, etc.

(c) At the level of the Outside Public: The general public needs to gather knowledge on the new products being introduced into domestic and international markets. This knowledge can be gained through advertisements, newspapers, talks, articles, etc.

8. Motivation- As an essential part of the process of direction, motivation becomes a direct responsibility of every business manager. Managers at all levels in the organization must motivate, though the motivation of workmen at the supervisory level requires emphasis somewhat different from that involved in the motivation of executives at middle or higher levels of management. Motivation is more effective and direct when based upon individual incentives rather than group incentives. Motivation can be achieved through

(a) providing security and a congenial work environment,

(b) monetary incentives, and

(c) making the workers participate in the decision-making process.


8 major objectives of Communication pdf from BA LLB notes

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