digital marketing course kese kare

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग कोर्स (Digital Marketing Course)क्या है और कैसे करें ?

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग कोर्स (Digital Marketing Course)क्या है और कैसे करें ? इस पोस्ट में हम जानेगें की डिजिटल मार्केटिंग क्या है (Digital marketing kya hai)?और कैसे डिजिटल मार्केटिंग कोर्स करें (Digital marketing course kese kare) ? Digital Marketing course in hindi जैसा की हम सब जानते है की इंटरनेट की दुनिया ने हमारे काफी सारे…

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paise kaise bachaye

paise kaise bachaye|पैसे कैसे बचाये | Money savings Tips

paise kaise bachaye|पैसे कैसे बचाये | Money savings Tips paise kaise bachaye नमस्कार दोस्तों, इस पोस्ट में हम सकेंगे कि हम कैसे पैसे बचा सकतें अपने जीवन में छोटे छोटे बदलाव करके | महँगाई के इस दौर में हमे सबने सिखाया की पैसे कैसे कमाए ,पर पैसे तो हम सब कमा रहें हैं पर क्या…

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Ba llb economics notes

Ba llb economics notes

Ba LLB economics notes Q. 2. Discuss the evolution and basic features of the strategy adopted by India in its plan. Examine the major weaknesses and strengths of the planning strategy and process in India. Ans. Any strategy for development consists of three components: resource mobilization, priorities for the allocation of resources mobilised, and a…

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Ba llb economics notes

ba llb economics notes

ba llb economics notes Q.3. Elaborate on the following : (a) Contribution of Agriculture to Economic Growth. (b) Agriculture’s Dependence on Industry. (c) Role of, Agriculture in the lndian Economy. (d) Interdependence between Agriculture and Industry. Ans. (a)       Contribution of Agriculture to Economic Growth Agricultural progress is normally regarded as a prerequisite of economic development….

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BA LLB Economics notes 1 semester

BA LLB Economics notes 1 semester   Q. 4. Explain the meaning and forms of Technological Progress. Examine the forms on Technology Transfer. Ans. Technological progress implies. the application of improved technology in the production activity. What constitutes technology? One usual idea about technology is that it is some sort of machine, a way of…

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Ba llb economics notes 1st semester

Ba llb economics notes 1st semester Q.5. What is meant by technological change ?’ Give its significance in the economic development of an underdeveloped country. Discuss. the problems of change of technology from developed countries to underdeveloped countries. Give necessary. suggestions. Ans. According to Frankel, “Technological change is not a mere improvement in the technical…

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Ba llb economics notes objective of economic planning

Ba llb economics notes objective of economic planning

Ba llb economics notes objective of economic planning In this post you will read Objective of economic planning complete explanation for more, you can follow @blogger_priya you may also like to read Sociology notes Q. 1. Discuss the major objectives and shortcomings of Economic Planning in India. Ans.                    Objectives of Economic Planning The major objectives of…

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Ba llb economics notes

Ba llb economics notes

Ba llb economics notes In the below post you will read New Economics policy a complete explanation for you. you can follow @blogger_priya or you may also read:- International Relations Q 4. Discuss the important features of, New Economic Policies under Economic reforms. Also give arguments for and against the New Economic Policy. Ans. Following are some…

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