Ba Llb National Interest In International Relations Pdf
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Ba llb national interest in international relations pdf

national interest in international relations pdf

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In this post, you will read International Relation has been written according to the syllabus of BA LLB 1st year, 2nd semester.

Explain the constraints on National Interest.(BA LLB)

Ans. Constraints on National Interest– Foreign policy claiming to operate in the national interest must have some reference to the physical, political, and cultural entity called the nation. Morgenthau maintained that it must be determined in the light of possible usurpation by subnational, other national and superior national interests. These are serious constraints on national interests.
1. Subnational Interests. At the subnational level, there is group interest particularly represented by ethnic and economic groups. These tend to identify themselves with the national interest. Thus they confuse the issue.

2. Other national Interests. The other national interests may usurp the national interests of a state in two ways, viz, through treason and criminology.

Ba Llb National Interest In International Relations Pdf
Ba Llb National Interest In International Relations Pdf
(i) Treason. An individual may commit treason on behalf of a foreign government either out ol conviction or out of monetary gains.
(ii) Criminology This may prompt a person to promote the interests of foreign government. 1hnere is every possibility of an ethnic

minority of a country identifying itself with a foreign government and promote its interests under the guise of the national interest of its own country.
3. Super national Interests. The national interests of a country may be usurped by the supranational interests in two ways-though religious bodies and the international environment.
(i) International Organisation. Though religious bodies have ceased to be effective instruments of supra-national interests at present, the international organization certainly operate against the national interests of the states by compelling them to pursue only such policies which do not operate against the interests of other member-states.
(ii) The international environment.These exercises a profound influence on the decision-makers in the formulation of a country’s foreign policy. the state as a unit of the international community is bound by certain regulations-conventional customary, ethical legal or institutional and the framers of the foreign policy have to operate within these limitations. They have not only to keep the national interests in mind but also give due weightage to the interests of other states who are equally determined to fight for their national interests. They must keep a watchful eye on the policies and actions of other states.
They must have a trace of various international developments. This implies that a state which seeks to play an active international role must take decisions according to the conditions prevailing around. It should be willing to overhaul its foreign policy according to the exigencies of time. In case it fails to do so its will be cut of from the main currents of the affairs of the world, “the major influence on foreign policy making thus derives from the fact that it is made with reference to other similarly acting bodies over which the policy makers of the stale in questions have no authority or jurisdiction and that the international arena within which policies are made is in high degree anarchical.”Asserting the need of compromising the national interests with the interest of other nations. Prof. Morgenthau says “the national interest of a nation which is conscious not only of its own interests but also of nat of other nations must be defined in terms compatible with the alter. In a multinational world, this is a requirement of political morality an age of total war it is also one of the conditions for survival.”

Thus le formulating the foreign policy the political leaders must keep in the domestic factors like geography natural resources industrial capacity, demography, impacts of various groups and interests in the society, the strategic position of the country etc. The resource available for the pursuit of the national interest are necessarily limited in quantity and kind. All the states cannot promote their objective with equal vigor. Therefore the states should allocate their scarce resources as rationally as possible.

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